Posts tagged local food systems
Downeast Food Systems Partnership
POSTTracey CarlsonDowneast Food Systems Partnership, local food systems, food security, buy local, support local economy, support local growers, support local farms, local food, community action, community food systems, HFFA, healthy food for all
Washington County Food Council Revitalized, Prepares for 2025 with Exciting Events and Community Engagement Opportunities
Washington County Food Council to Meet July 30
Spring Preparations: Updates from Downeast Restorative Harvest
POSTTracey CarlsonHFFA, food system, food justice, food sustainability, local food systems, food pantry, Downeast Restorative Harvest, garden program for jail residents, jail garden, healthy food in jails, healthy food for all, HPM
Produce, baked goods, artisanal crafts, and more at MDI Winter Farmers and Crafters Market
Community Food Security Workshop Draws Crowd
PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonHancock County, food security, food system, local food systems, food pantry, food pantry workshop, Loaves and Fishes, HFFA, grant writing, AmeriCorps VISTA, HPE, Hunger Free America
Downeast Restorative Harvest's Community Events Achieve Triple Success
PRESS RELEASETracey Carlsonfood justice, jail garden, healthy food in jail, Washington County Jail, Downeast Restorative Harvest, food sustainability, local food systems, Maine food system, garden party, healthy food, healthy food for all, HFFA
Celebrating Farmers' Markets
Calling All Schools: Apply Now for Maine's Local Foods for Schools Funding!
Legislative Corner
POSTTracey Carlsonlegislative corner, MaineCare exclusions, Maine trails bond, trails, Wabanaki, flavored tobacco ban, tobacco free, flavored to, school lunches, local food systems
With gratitude