Healthy Acadia’s INSPIRE Recovery Center to Host Overdose Awareness Day Event at Knowlton Park
Healthy Acadia Invites You to Discover the Many Health Benefits of Tai Chi Practice
PRESS RELEASETracey Carlsontai chi, stress reduction, pain relief, flexibility, fall prevention, arthritis, tai chi for health, mindfulness, mind body connection, free tai chi
Healthy Acadia Celebrates Selection as a Hannaford Community Bag Program Beneficiary
PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonHannaford Community Bag, givelocal, Ellsworth Hannaford, HFFA, HA, Community Bag, SB, SPR, HPM, AHE
Maine Joins Nationwide Celebration of Park and Recreation Professionals
Free Workshop will Explore Yoga Nidra-Mindfulness Connection
Healthy Acadia’s Downeast Gleaning Initiative Seeks Volunteers
PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonDowneast Gleaning Initiative, gleaning, food pantry, Food insecurity, food system, food justice, food sustainability, volunteer, HFFA, SB, HPM
Expanded Options for Bar Harbor Farmers' Market Shoppers
Healthy Acadia Will Offer Tai Chi for Health Instructor Course this Summer
Healthy Acadia to Offer Virtual Introductory Tai Chi Workshop on July 6
Healthy Acadia Offers Resources for those at High Risk for Respiratory Illness
Farmers’ Market Season is Here
Downeast Project HOPE Celebrates Selection as a Shaw’s GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS Reusable Bag Program Beneficiary
Third Annual Juneteenth Downeast Event to be Held in Knowlton Park
PRESS RELEASETracey Carlsonmonthly mindfulness, mindfulness, stress reduction, Tom Speare, Tenth Gate Yoga and Meditation, Juneteenth, Juneteenth Downeat, Juneteenth 2023, Weekend on the Water, Juneteenth Ellsworth, Juneteenth Commemmoration, HPM
Healthy Acadia to offer “Practical, Everyday Tools for Stress Reduction,” with special guest Tom Speare
Explore and Enhance Your Cultural Competence with Acclaimed Facilitator Elizabeth Neptune
Another season of free produce for seniors begins as Maine Senior FarmShare grows and evolves
Explore the Health Benefits of Tai Chi this Summer
Healthy Acadia to Offer Tai Chi for Health Instructor Course this Summer
Healthy Acadia to offer “A meditation workshop for those with overactive minds,” with special guest Richard Parker
May 3 Drive-Thru Luncheon Will Benefit Down East Teen Leadership Camp