WOW Wellness Hub: A Hearty Vegan Chili for those Chilly 😉 Winter Days
A Public Health Approach to Gun Safety
POSTTracey Carlsonpublic health, gun safety, Maine tradition's, health, safety, well-being, hpm, spr, sb, ha, HA, SB, HPM, AHE, SPR, HFFA
Embrace a Healthier You in 2024: The Power of Plant-Based Eating
Save Lives - Give Blood
Take Charge of Your Cervical Health
Welcome, Lisa Dyer
Join DETLC's Student Advisory Board and Planning Team
Glitter A-Go-Go
Keep Cannabis Edibles Away from Kids and Pets
Funding Available to Prevent Student Homelessness Through New Pilot Program
Thank You for Giving Health
Health Insurance: Dec. 15 Open Enrollment Deadline, Vaccine Coverage
RSV - What You Need to Know
Embrace the Chill: Schools Invited to Join in the 2024 WinterKids® Winter Games
POSTTracey Carlsonwinter, WinterKids, winter games, healthy kids, outdoor activity, winter fun, winterkids, 2024 winterkids, SB, SPR, HPM
Eastern AHEC Rural Health Immersion - Student Reflections: Brady Lamontagne
Spread Joy, Celebrate Responsibly
POSTTracey Carlsonimpaired driving, alcohol,, alcohol use risk, celebrate responsibly, holidays and alcohol use, SUP, SUPS, SB, zero tolerance, no alcohol under 21
MRC Coach Spotlight: Chelsey McBreairty
POSTTracey CarlsonMRC, recovery coach, coach spotlight, bill buehner, recovery core, recovery coach role, SPR, HPM, HA, SB
Backpack Program Provides Resources for Those on the Journey to Recovery
Welcome, Ashley Rier
Snowballs Featured for December StoryWalk® at Porter Memorial Library
POSTTracey Carlsoncranberry, StoryWalk, Porter Memorial Library, SNAP-Ed, Maine SNAP-Ed, PSE, book walk, family time, family friendly activities, healthy communities, SB, HA, HFFA, HPM